Technically Jurisprudence

Your Unique Portal to Bacolod City!

Post categories

Wow! with so many posts now around the site I decided to create a dedicated category page so that you can navigate around the site easier. these are some of the few main categories I usually post, the girls around here will direct you to specific topic and posts,  so to start just click on the girls to find a specific entry you want to read enjoy!

 Public High Schools and Public School Students
 State College and State College Students

 Private Schools and  students
Private colleges & Private college Students

 anime and otaku culture here and abroad   

   games and gadgets

Posts about and around Bacolod 
              Anything on Japan Pop Culture

Bacolod Jeepney

               The Bacolod Conscript

Technology, Industry, Automotive, and More
Bacolod City Lifestyle, illongo lifestyle and more

Puuchi and Blurbs and freedom of speech..
                                                                         Airsoft and Military Cosplay

About Comrade Mijur

to return to the main page, click the main banner above..

jela-tan (illongo mio akiyama), goldie-tan (illongo kagami), bethel-tan(illongo rin)  is copyright of kakifly, oden-ya and kyoto animation inc. and studio deen and kadokawa shoten, JP
anzel-tan, lyn-tan, pia-tan(illongo versions) are copyright of SE studios(re angel), TH and gamebridge inc.(DORC), CN 
